You Deserve The Life of Your Dreams?

Learn the first foundational step to turn your feelings of fear, anger, sadness, and hopelessness, and transform them into happiness, joy, excitement, and empowerment. 

With Emotional Authenticity

as your guide, anything is possible!

Because you have been hurt, of course, you are skeptical if this program really works.

That’s why I am offering this beginning course so you can see how quickly and easily you can move from emotional misery to Emotional Authenticity.

Once you have that confidence, you can feel safe and secure that my Complete Emotional Authenticity Method will provide you with the transformation you seek.

So what are you waiting for?

Start Your Journey TODAY!

Just What Is

My Emotional Authenticity Method & How Can It Help YOU?

Modern Neuroscience shows that every thought and action we take starts with an emotion. Therefore, if any part of our personal or professional life is not where we want it to be, the source is emotional, and the solution is Emotional Authenticity. 

In addition, we now know that emotions are learned responses to the environment and culture in which we were raised. This may sound crazy, but that means a life experience in your childhood actually created your emotional reaction as an adult. 

Therefore, our inability to like ourselves, feel empowered, avoid toxic relationships, pursue our passions, get unstuck, stop our self-sabotage, control our feelings and responses and reach our potential started as a child. 

That is why we all need the trailblazing, transformational process of Emotional Authenticity to reclaim our authentic selves.

With Emotional Authenticity, we can manifest our destiny and live in our legacy personally, professionally, relationally, and most of all, within ourselves.




Gerardo Luna

Feeling Lost & Alone On Your Journey To Your Authentic Self?

You are not alone anymore!

My name is Kenny Weiss, and I'm here to help.

My innovative Emotional Authenticity method coaching and classes will transform the pain from your past by providing you with a proven process to love and accept your perfect imperfections and reclaim your authentic self.

I will guide and support your healing and recovery from trauma, an imperfect childhood, enmeshment, codependence, stress, fear, anxiety, and depression. But that is not all. 

I will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to live in complete self-love so you can stop your self-sabotage, making it easy to end people-pleasing and the inability to say no.

I believe you deserve to feel safe in your skin again. To have healthy relationships with yourself and others, to be loved unconditionally without fear of abandonment or rejection.

To feel happy and find peace within yourself so that you can live life on your terms without being controlled by someone else's agenda or expectations for who they want you to be.

You deserve effective help - not just another person telling you what they think about what's going on in your life but showing you HOW to change it. 

Let me show you how it feels when someone truly cares about who YOU are!

I'll be there every step of the way - holding your hand along your journey to rediscovering your authentic self and loving your perfect imperfections.

I am Excited to Take This Fantastic Journey Together!

What are the 7 ways

Emotional Authenticity helps you more than Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

1- Emotional Authenticity is based on the latest neuroscientific model of the brain and how it processes emotions.

EQ is based on a brain model that was disproved before the book was written.

2- Emotional Authenticity shows you how all your emotion and feeling definitions are learned in childhood. Thus giving you complete emotional self-awareness
EQ does not. 

3- Emotional Authenticity provides a process to show you how those learned definitions are inaccurate, pain-filled, and emotionally sabotaging you.
EQ does not. 

4- Emotional Authenticity provides a process to replace your inaccurate, pain-filled emotional definitions with new, empowering ones that reattach you to your authentic self.
EQ does not. 

5- Emotional Authenticity provides a process to overcome your emotional denial and self-deception, which you must have to live in your authentic self.
EQ does not. 

6- Emotional Authenticity is the only process that gives you the tools to achieve complete emotional self-awareness and live authentically.

7- While EQ forms the outer edges, only Emotional Authenticity solves your emotional self-awareness puzzle by filling in the middle, thereby completing your Authentic Self journey.

Don't take my word for it.

Enroll today and discover it for yourself!

Your Journey Curriculum

  Daily Affirmations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Welcome To The University
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Science- How The Brain And Body Work To Create Emotions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Your Journey to Emotional Mastery
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Worst Day Cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

New things scare me. Is this hard to use?

I am not very savvy with technology either. That is why I picked the most effortless platform use I could find. It only takes a few clicks, and you are immediately learning. All of the material and the navigation tools are laid out in a very friendly-to-use manner.

I am swamped. How much time does this take? 

All it takes is 15 minutes a day. Just watch one video and answer one question in the Journey books. You will achieve your goals if you can do that four days a week and stick with the process. 


Will this Masterclass really work? 

It has been my experience that every student who followed the process exactly as I have designed it has achieved their goals. No exceptions!

How long does it take to see results? 

The feeling of progress, understanding, and accomplishment happens IMMEDIATELY for everyone! No exceptions.

Get Started Now!