Treat Yourself!

Learn To Love and Accept Your Perfect Imperfections?

Do you feel like no one will ever love or accept you unless you are perfect?

We've all felt this way at some point in our lives. But we don't have to. All of us are perfectly imperfect in our own special and unique way.

We just haven't been shown how to live our life full of self-love and acceptance for our perfect imperfections.

That ends today. This masterclass will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to accept who you are as an individual - ALL of you. Your perfect and your imperfect!

By learning the seven characteristics of high self-love and a simple process to stop negative thoughts and feelings, you will no longer feel lonely, rejected, or like an outsider in this world.

In fact, you will embrace change without fear; communicate your needs and wants decisively, and easily shrug off attempts by others to judge or criticize you.

See how simple it is to transform the imperfect emotional wounds from the past into perfect, unshakeable self-confidence.

Start loving and accepting your perfect imperfections

by signing up



"I SPENT OVER $80,000 WITH ALL THE BIG-NAME GURUS and nothing changed. Since I started working with Kenny and The Greatness University MY WHOLE LIFE HAS SHIFTED"

Feeling Lost & Alone On Your Journey To Your Authentic Self?

You are not alone anymore!

My name is Kenny Weiss, and I'm here to help.

My innovative Emotional Mastery coaching and programs will transform the pain from your past by providing you with a proven process to love and accept your perfect imperfections and reclaim your authentic self.

I will guide and support your healing and recovery from trauma, an imperfect childhood, enmeshment, codependence, stress, fear, anxiety, and depression. But that is not all. 

I will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to live in complete self-love so you can stop your self-sabotage, making it easy to put an end to people-pleasing and the inability to say no.

I believe you deserve to feel safe in your skin again. To have healthy relationships with yourself and others; to be loved unconditionally without fear of abandonment or rejection.

To feel happy and find peace within yourself so that you can live life on your terms without being controlled by someone else's agenda or expectations for who they want you to be.

You deserve effective help - not just another person telling you what they think about what's going on in your life but showing you HOW to change it. 

Let me show you how it feels when someone truly cares about who YOU are!

I'll be there every step of the way - holding your hand along your journey to rediscovering your authentic self and loving your perfect imperfections.

I Am Excited To Take This Fantastic Journey Together!


Here’s a free look inside at what you can expect to get from taking this masterclass


Your Journey To Self-love

1- What determines our ability to love ourselves?

2- How to discover the things you love about yourself

3- How to take those discoveries and create Self-love.

4- The 7 characteristics of High Self-love.

5- The 7 characteristics that sabotage Self-love.

6- Why we have to think “negative” to be genuinely positive.

7- How to flip negative self-talk to positive self-talk instantly.

8- How to create the Greatest Version Of Yourself and achieve emotional mastery in 30 days

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund.

New things scare me. Is this hard to use?

I am not very savvy with technology either. That is why I picked the most effortless platform use I could find. It only takes a few clicks, and you are immediately learning. All of the material and the navigation tools are laid out in a very friendly-to-use manner.

I am swamped. How much time does this take? 

All it takes is 15 minutes a day. Just watch one video and answer one question in the Journey books. If you can do that four days a week and stick with the process, you will achieve your goals. 

Which class should I start with? 

Your Journey To Emotional Mastery. Because it is the foundational piece to your success, I have included it for free in ALL masterclasses.  

Will this Masterclass really work? 

It has been my experience that every student who followed the process exactly as I have designed it has achieved their goals. No exceptions!

How long does it take to see results? 

The feeling of progress, understanding, and accomplishment happens IMMEDIATELY for everyone! No exceptions.

Get Started Now!